Sunday, July 24, 2011

High Flows....

what a crazy year of water it has been. After the winter storms put down the fattest snowpack in recent history, it wasn't until June before the snow began to melt. The rivers have been high all summer, and the fishing has been tough, for the most part. The challenge has really been waiting for the rivers and creeks to reveal themselves in typical summer fashion. One thing is for sure, the rivers have been cleansed and the fish have definitely been putting on weight!

even when the middle Provo river was as high as I've ever seen, the fishing remained quite good. Worms were everywhere in the river, and the trout knew.

my brother and I checked out a creek in the uintas with some nice water for casting dryfly's. It was nice to be fishing in sandals again.

Biking and fishing, together as one.

From here on out the fishing should be nothing short of spectacular.


  1. I love to bike and fish the lower Provo. Where is this in the Uintas?

  2. We park at the first trailhead on hwy 150, the beaver creek trail. From there you can do about 12 mile round trip and hit trails like the north fork provo and shingle creek. Tons of good fishing along the way.
