Thursday, August 11, 2011

flash pano test....

Im testing some new things here to see if I can bring a little interactive fun to the ol' blog. I've been a big fan of panoramas for a while, but they always end up stashed away on my hard drive. I'd love to print out some 20 footers for my wall, but as long as I'm poor these interactive flash joints will have to work. No love for the mobile device crowd, as you can't view flash files. Im working on a HTML5/flash solution for pano diving with the Ipad.

If you can see the interactive pano, great. If not, I must have screwed it up again....
*update*    FAIL!!! *second update* - working, but not for long... the internet is hard.

^ for those who can't view the flash, here is a small version of the pano. It is a 13 stitch vertical panorama shot with a canon 5D Mark II, various filters, and a nodal ninja head. It is quite large. I made the image the other night while on a quick overnighter to one of my favorite basins in the uinta wilderness. Unfortunately we were camped in the mosquito breeding grounds and were forced to abort the mission the following morning. They were relentless, some of the worst I've seen. My brother and I had our dogs and the poor animals had nowhere to hide! We bailed early but not before shooting this panorama, and catching a few slab cutthroats on dry's.


  1. Not seeing the flash version, but the smaller version looks awesome! Skeeters were pretty bad in the Winds last week as well...

  2. ya im struggling with the flash file on blogger. one day it will work, even if I have to migrate to wordpress!

  3. wowwwww i love this! utah is beautiful. love how you capture this.
