Thursday, January 19, 2012

Steelhead & Spines!

Just over a decade ago, my brother Neil and I began a new life in Utah and started down a path that we knew would someday lead us to places like British Columbia and Alaska. This spring we have a plan to travel further north on the path than we've ever been before, to experience the greatest big mountain riding and steelhead fishing the world has to offer, in one journey. 

Sometime in March we will begin our long drive to the mountainous spine riding capitol of the world, Haines, AK. Our goal here is to make our first turns down an Alaskan mountain, while participating in an expedition with six others who are also on the same path ( more on this expedition later... ). 

After what is hopefully a successful ski trip, we'll begin part two of the quest and hopefully bring another lifelong dream to reality. This part involves taking a ferry from Haines down through the North Coast of B.C, eventually arriving in Prince Rupert, British Columbia. It is here where we enter the most fabled steelheading waters on the planet. We will explore the Skeena and its tributaries, and our timing should be perfect for the spring return of the wild steelhead. 

I'm really hopeful that this will evolve into our greatest film project yet, but with any self supported project there will certainly be obstacles along the way. We're going to need all the help we can get! feel free to contact me (ijprovo at for more information...


  1. That will be one hell of a ferrie ride to make it to Prince George.....better get a map!

  2. That would be one hell of a ferry ride. Prince Rupert it is! haha that was a typo

  3. Sounds fabulous. If you did some surfing, you'd have my favorite three things in one movie. Blogging along the way?
